Today at work I worked on getting the new search engine for Connecticut’s Archives Online ready for beta testing. You can see it at . It’s pretty, it’s mostly functional, and it has a nice logo. My boss showed it off to my grandboss. She seems thrilled. This tool is based on Arclight, which is a nifty new discovery tool for archival materials. It’s only on version 0.3.1, and a bit rough around the edges (especially when it comes to documentation). However, it’s much more likely to be maintained than our current homebrew system (the librarian who developed it retired) and already offers more features. Yay, faceted searches! It’s also based on Blacklight, which is a more mature tool which focuses on libraries instead of archives.
After working on the CAO, I did some meta data cleanup in Omeka. I had a hard time focusing. I mean, I guess it is to be expected that I might be a bit distracted in the middle of a global pandemic.
After work, I played Rimworld. I *heart* Rimworld. My colony is in the middle of a frozen bog. I sent 2 out of 3 people off on a quest. They ran out of food on their way back, so I sent my third and final person off to meet them with rations. The moment he left the colony there was a lightning storm. The base caught fire and everything I’d built burned to ash, as well as most of the nearby lumber. It was a sad welcome when the 3 colonists came home.
I also played with Elvis and his flirt pole. We began working on “If you bark at the thing, game ends. To start the game again you have to sit and watch me while I wave the toy around you.” He’s starting to figure it out. I can’t wave the toy too excitingly, but he’ll maintain eye contact if I gently waft it. He’s learning self control. Good boy.
Fairfield County is up to 1445 lab-confirmed cases. Danbury has 218 of those.